Friday, April 20, 2012

Lew Blackburn - Third Board Agenda Request -- Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing - TASA and TASB

As of April 19, 2012, 344 Texas school districts have  adopted the resolution. TASA

Third Email Request
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Third Board Agenda Request -- Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing - TASA and TASB
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 16:05:12 +0000
From: Ranger, Carla
To: Lew Blackburn, King, Alan

Good morning,

More than disappointing, your reply is a reminder that politics too often prevails
at Dallas ISD.

This is my third request to you on behalf of our children, teachers, parents, taxpayers,
and the Texas Association of School Boards. The first request was made April 2, 2012;
the second was made on April 18, 2012.

Please refer me to the Board policy that requires a consensus for an item to
be placed on the agenda. I am not aware of any policy that requires a consensus. 
The Board does not act by consensus.

Four Board members spoke against the Resolution at the Board Briefing - Lew Blackburn,
Bernadette Nutall, Edwin Flores and Nancy Bingham. No other Trustee spoke either way.

Your refusal to allow an up or down Board vote undermines democracy and robs our
community of an opportunity to address the important issue of high stakes testing.

The Resolution is supported by hundreds of school districts, as well as the two
leading public education organizations in Texas - TASA and TASB. Texas
Commissioner of Education Robert Scott has also spoken publicly against the excessive
use of high stakes tests.

What possible justification do you have to block Board action? If Board members
don't support the resolution, their votes will defeat it.

Again, I request that you place this important Resolution on the Agenda
in the interest of our children, teachers, parents and public education.

Please include this email address when responding:

Awaiting your reply,

Carla Ranger
District 6 Trustee.