Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Parents Across America (PAA) Guide to the Broad Foundation

The question I ask is why should Eli Broad and Bill Gates have more of a say as to what goes on in my child’s classroom than I do? – Sue Peters in NYC

Parents Across America (PAA) Guide to the Broad Foundation

"Eli Broad is a wealthy individual, accountable to no one but himself, who wields vast
power over our public schools. Parents and community members should be aware of the
extent to which the he and his foundation influence educational policies in districts
throughout the country, through Broad-funded advocacy groups, Broad-sponsored
experiments and reports, and the placement of Broad-trained school leaders,
administrators and superintendents.

"Parents Across America considers Broad’s influence to be inherently undemocratic, as it
disenfranchises parents and other stakeholders in an effort to privatize our public schools
and imposes corporate-style policies
without our consent. We strongly oppose allowing
our nation's education policy to be driven by billionaires who have no education
expertise, who do not send their own children to public schools, and whose particular
biases and policy preferences are damaging our children’s ability to receive a quality


 A Parent Guide to the Broad Foundation's training programs and education policies

"Broad and his foundation believe that public schools should be run like a business. One of the tenets of his philosophy is to produce system change by “investing in a disruptive force.” Continual reorganizations, firings of staff, and experimentation to create chaos or “churn” is believed to be productive and beneficial, as it weakens the ability of communities to resist change."

A hallmark of the Broad-style leadership is closing existing schools rather than
attempting to improve them
, increasing class size, opening charter schools, imposing
high-stakes test-based accountability systems on teachers and students
, and implementing
of pay for performance schemes. The brusque and often punitive management style of
Broad-trained leaders has frequently alienated parents and teachers and sparked protests

I think that’s why people invest in Green Dot. I like that we get good numbers and our test scores and graduation rates are fantastic, but people really invest in us because we’re a disruptive force.