Friday, April 20, 2012

Reply to Lew Blackburn's denial of third request for vote on high stakes testing

This was actually the third request.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Corrected Copy - RE: Second Board Agenda Request -- Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing - TASA and TASB
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:58:59 -0500
From: Carla Ranger
To: Blackburn, Lew
CC: King, Alan

Good afternoon,

Board policy BE (Local) states: The Board President and the Superintendent
shall prepare the agenda for Board meetings prior to posting ... rather, the decision
to move forward shall be made by the Board President or Superintendent of Schools.

I interpret this to mean that both the Board President or Superintendent of Schools
are fully authorized to place an item on the agenda.

You were also included on the request.

There is no requirement for 3 Board members after the item has already been approved
and placed on the Board Agenda. You personally approved the item for the Board Briefing
agenda and that discussion has already been held.

The decision is yours or the Superintendent's.

This is a simple matter and requires no political obstruction.

You are not denying me. 

You deny our children, teachers, parents and taxpayers.

Carla Ranger
District 6 Trustee