Friday, April 17, 2009

Judge Harold Barefoot Sanders on the Learning Centers

Judge Harold Barefoot Sanders was a good and decent man and outstanding federal judge. 

His last thoughts on the Learning Centers are contained in the Court Order where he states that Dallas ISD promised the Court to continue and even replicate Learning Center programs in other schools.

Memorandum Opinion and Order (June 5, 2003)

"The Learning Centers are a valuable tool in the District's efforts to increase minority achievement, and their programs appear to be particularly effective.  Dr Moses testified that the Learning Centers "are outstanding programs" that are "certainly worthy of replication." The Covenants also refer to the replication of successful Learning Center programs at other schools throughout the District."

"The Court commends the District, both on its compliance with the Court's Orders in this area and on its commitment to maintain and replicate the Learning Center programs.  The Court relies on this commitment."

"The Court relies on the DISD's continued commitment to desegregation programs as evidenced by the Board-adopted Covenants.  The Court would regard any material deviation from those Covenants as a breach of faith."

Judge Harold Barefoot Sanders passed away on September 21, 2008.