Did Trustee Lew Blackburn meet with Mayor Mike Rawlings on Friday about Dallas ISD school business?
I don't know but I would certainly like to know about this meeting if it did occur.
Has Trustee Lew Blackburn been contacted by Deon Sanders regarding using D. A. Hulcy Middle school for a charter school?
Did Trustee Lew Blackburn meet or talk with Deon Sanders on Saturday or any other time to discuss this?
I don't know, but I would certainly like to know if Trustee Lew Blackburn is discussing D A Hulcy Middle School in District 6 with Deon Sanders.
The eventual sell-out of Dallas ISD real estate to charter schools is one likely result of what was just done by the Board on last Thursday night.
Destroy public schools and privatize them with charter schools.
The push to privatize Dallas ISD schools with charter schools started with the so-called Ad Hoc Charter School Committee composed of Edwin Flores, Nancy Bingham, Bernadette Nutall, and Lew Blackburn (conflict of interest)
The Ad Hoc Charter School Committee was then sponsored by the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce. Trips were taken a chamber expense and it pretty much became a committee orchestrated by the Dallas Regional Chamber.
Trustee Bernadette Nutall then appointed Todd Williams to be her appointee on the first Budget Commission. Todd Williams -Vice-Chair Uplift Education - formerly with Goldman Sachs - assisted with the creation of Uplift Education's Williams Preparatory - a charter school with his last name.
Todd Williams now serves as the head of the Dallas ISD Budget Commission and Executive Director of Commit - Dallas Regional Chamber.
The first head of the Dallas ISD Budget Commission was Phil Montgomery - also a leader of charter schools - Founding Chairman of the Board at Uplift Education.
So the Dallas ISD Budget Commission has been headed from the beginning by Charter school promoters. Decisions about our budget are being made by Budget Commissions headed by charter school operators.
Of course, final decisions about our budget are supposed to be made by Trustees and only Trustees.
The game now is to start commissions, dilute and divert the authority of the Board and call it reform.
All the clutter created will be inherited by the new superintendent who just might have a different vision of what ought to happen in public education.
Lew Blackburn hopes to escape to his new superintendency somewhere - leaving behind the damage done to public education.
- From L to R: DRC Chair Mike Baggett, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, Donna Halstead representing the Dallas Citizens Council • President of the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees Dr. Lew Blackburn • Elaine Agather representing JPMorgan Chase • Linda McMahon representing The Real Estate Council • Richard Holt representing Bank of America, Clint McDonnough, Chair of DRC’s Education Advisory Council