Monday, January 30, 2012

Dallas ISD Teacher placed on leave after emailing trustee

I read in a news article by Tawnell Hobbs that one of our dedicated teachers - a father of six children has been suspended apparently because an email was sent to Trustee Edwin Flores criticizing his vote on extending teacher hours.

Dallas ISD teacher upset over longer workday placed on leave after emailing trustee

 I was appalled at this report. 

Some employees of Dallas ISD become frustrated by anti-teacher actions of the Dallas ISD Board.  

Trustees sometimes adopt unwise Board policies that harm the teaching profession.

Trustees often know what is being said about them.  An example ...

I was informed that a Dallas ISD teacher and former Vice President of NEA - criticized me on Unfair Park's blog on the day after the Board Meeting.  She seems to think I did a terrible thing because I decided not to walk out on the citizens of Dallas at a public meeting called under the Texas Open Meetings Act.  The meeting was to decide the fate of eleven public schools.

I will stay again if the rights of citizens are violated as they were at the meeting last Thursday.  I will not walk out during an open meeting unless there is a very good reason.

What I observed on last Thursday was a problem caused by the totally unnecessary, mean-spirited actions taken by a Board President in a manner that abused his authority.

Should a teacher be suspended for criticizing a Trustee?

Of course not.

A teacher and father of six should not become a victim of Dallas ISD political injustice and reprisal.


I am disappointed in Carla Ranger. Her staying in the larger room may not have changed the vote's outcome, but by NOT being in the room where the vote was taking place, she deprived her constituents of a VOICE. Even her vote is a VOICE. It is time for her to either get back into the game and ask the pointed questions like she used to, or it is time for her to do something else. Nothing will change in Dallas as long as the same group is in power. I have my gathering group of DISD employees to meet with Roger Melton of the new PAC, "Educate Dallas." I challenged him on D O's blog, and apparently, he read it. So, there you go, they in North Dallas DO read what we say. We are trying to work out  atime that is best for US, the DISD employees, then I can ask him what is convenient for him.

Remember, this new PAC just gave Flores $10,000, even before the filing deadline hit, so they already had him picked. And also know that a teacher has been placed on admin leave for writing a critical email to Flores. You know, maybe my first question will be tying those two things together? Anybody want to be included who is in DISD, FB me.