Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dallas ISD celebrates 5 new National Board Certified Teachers

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Dallas District Reception

Traditional ginger ale toast
Cheers, celebrations and congratulations flowed throughout the pinning ceremony and reception for five Dallas ISD teachers who recently completed certification requirements of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

This evening, with big smiles and flowing tears, the following new Dallas ISD National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT), along with admiring colleagues, family members and friends, lifted glasses for the traditional ginger ale toast:

Rhonda Bliss – Arturo Salazar Elementary School
Ignacio Javier – Louise Wolff Kahn Elementary School
Olubukola Olaloko  --  Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy
Tiffanye Lockhart-Oliver – Harrell Budd Elementary School
Iheanacho  Orabuchi, Ph.D. --  L. L. Hotchkiss Elementary School

Dr. Martin Osae, one of two of the first Dallas ISD National Board Certified Teachers, spoke to honorees about “Being a Dallas ISD NBCT.” Here is a summary of his inspiring 5 Point Charge: 

1.     You are in a place of influence.  Use it.

2.     You are a catalyst for change.  Be it.

3.     You are a voice for accomplished teaching and best practice.  Speak it.

4.     You are a commitment to duplicating yourself. Do it.

5.     You are an infection of DNA for accomplished teaching.  Spread it.    
Rhonda  Bliss, National Board Certified Teacher

These new certifications give Dallas ISD a total of 23 National Board Certified Teachers.  This accomplishment is not easy, but with support, resources, encouragement, as well as lots of sweat and some tears, it can be done. 

Tiffanye Lockhart-Oliver, National Board Certified Teacher
National Board Certified Teachers Karen Barnes, Christine Koski and a team of NBCTs planned and sponsored the ceremony.

Dr. Iheanacho Orabuchi, National Board Certified Teacher

Congratulations Ms. Bliss, Mr. Javier, Mrs. Olaloko, Mrs. Lockhart-Oliver and Dr. Orabuchi.  “We’re proud of you.”

Ignacio Javier, National Board Certified Teacher

Olubukola Olalodo, National Board Certified Teacher

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Merit pay doesn't work in education but it does increase cheating

Merit pay study: Teacher bonuses don't raise student test scores (USA Today- 9-21-10)
"NASHVILLE — Offering middle-school math teachers bonuses up to $15,000 did not produce gains in student test scores, Vanderbilt University researchers reported Tuesday in what they said was the first scientifically rigorous test of merit pay."

There appears to be no body of consistent data showing that merit pay results in significant improvement in academic test scores. 

Merit pay changes collaboration to competition and creates a culture of exploiting students for adult profit. 

Who will want to teach the students in greatest need if it creates an unfair financial disadvantage?

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

The Puzzle of Motivation

Friday, January 10, 2014

Dallas Fire Fighters provide coats for 529 students at Martin Weiss Elementary School

After hearing about Project Warm at a national professional convention last summer, Fire Fighter Mike McLemore knew exactly how he and his colleagues could support and help children in Dallas ISD.   

As 1st Vice President of Local 58 Dallas Fire Fighters Association, Fireman McLemore suggested an annual project: Select a Dallas ISD school and raise funds to ensure that every student had a new coat to help them be warm, healthy and ready to learn throughout the cold winter .  The project caught fire.

Today fire-fighter volunteers and Auxiliary members distributed coats at Martin Weiss Elementary School.  By grades, all 529 Martin Weiss owls lined up with big smiles, hand-written cards and colorful signs of appreciation.

Volunteers were struck by expressions and emotions of some students who may not have ever owned a new coat.

 Though temperatures were warm outside and inside the school building,  once trying on their new coats, students did not want to take them off.  Having previously provided information, many were able to select their favorite color and a coat sized to fit this year and next.

Receiving new coats was zipped up with students' meeting Fire Chief Louie Bright, III, a Dallas ISD graduate, and visiting a big red fire truck.  What a day to remember!

Teacher Dwayla Berry co-ordinated, assisted by technology specialist Euraine Patin and counselor Kimberly Washington.

Dr. Deardra Hayes-Whigham is Principal at Martin Weiss Elementary. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dallas ISD District 6 Election - May 2014

Dear District 6 Friends,

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Trustee for the last 8 years (2006).

I will not be a candidate for re-election in May, 2014.

Thank you for your support during these very difficult days for public education everywhere.

Serving you has been an honor, a privilege and my pleasure.

With thanks always,

Carla Ranger
District 6 Trustee