Friday, September 27, 2013

Dallas ISD Board of Trustees has the "final authority to determine and interpret" violations of policy

Board policy BBE (LOCAL) states: 
"The corporate Board has final authority to determine and interpret the policies that govern the schools."
The investigation reports have been accepted. The Board must now make a final decision.

The Board of Trustees must now have a fair and democratic vote on this matter. 

The Board Agenda controls the Board actions.

Trustees do not create the Agenda. 

Board Agendas are prepared by the Board President and the Superintendent. 
Board Policy BE (LOCAL) - "... The Board President and the General Superintendent shall prepare the agenda for Board meetings ..."
Agendas are posted without any advance disclosure to Trustees.

When a fair and democratic vote is placed on the Agenda, I will vote to terminate Superintendent Mike Miles for cause based on the completed investigations, the related evidence and  "for the good of the district."