There were a number of informative work sessions and discussions:
- The Difference Between the High School Completion and Dropout Rate
- College and Career Readiness that affects the public schools you govern
- Longview ISD Bullying Intervention Plan
- Keynote Address - Opportunity Lost: The Dropout Crisis in Black America
- Take This Job and Love It
- Bonds and Investments 101: Things A Board Member Needs To Know
- Dropout Prevention: Employing Effective Student Discipline and Intervention Techniques - The Legal Requirements
- Understanding Your School District's Risk Management Program
- Gifted African American College Students
- Board Governance
The TCBSBM awarded $1,000 scholarships to five deserving seniors and paid tribute to dedicated teachers throughout the state who help our students learn.
A showcase of the gifts, talent and creative artistry of several middle and high school students was a highlight of the Education Summit.
They reminded us of why we serve.
They reminded us of why we serve.