Friday, August 17, 2012

Board President Lew Blackburn abuses authority again "I did it in isolation"

Board President Lew Blackburn once again abused his authority by initiating and announcing a district-wide $1,500 debit card drawing for student attendance on the first day of school. This was done without Board approval or discussion. 

Information about the drawing was  published on the Dallas ISD Education Blog  by Tawnell Hobbs who referred to a Dallas ISD press release.  The press release was on Dallas ISD website. Click Here 

During an interview Thursday morning, August 16 on Fox 4-Good Day Texas, Trustee Blackburn was asked what other Trustees thought about the idea.  He stated, "I had a brainstorm about this over the week-end.  On Monday morning, I called the office and said, Let's get this going." 

That's all it took.

Who approved this?

One Trustee -- Lew Blackburn decides to pay money to students for attending school.  He then uses District resources to promote his personal political agenda.  There was no Board discussion.  No Board approval.  Just one out-of-control Board President.

The whole promotion is about the Board President's personal political agenda - not the Board's nor the Dallas ISD agenda.

Individual Trustees do not have the authority to make decisions for Dallas ISD - not even the Board President.

What will the current Board do about this violation of Board policy? Nothing! 

It is all about politricks.

My Fox 4 Video - DISD Board member offers cash prize for students - Click Here

Good Day Texas Host: "When you decided to do this, what was the response you got from other Board members or from other people in the school district?"

Board President Lew Blackburn: "Actually I just did it in isolation. Over the weekend I just had a brainstorm, if you will. And I called the office on Monday morning and said OK let's get this going, and they put out the news flash."

Who did Trustee Blackburn call on Monday morning, and who approved this personal agenda of one Trustee who has announced for re-election?

This Board President is doing all kinds of things in isolation and in violation of Board policy.

Do all Trustees have the same right to impose their individual and personal agendas district-wide with one phone call on Monday morning, with no Board involvement and approval?