Created, produced and directed by Curtis King, this production marked the end of the 2010 Summer Youth Arts Institute Cultural Enrichment Program. For the past three weeks, an artistic staff, along with a group of dedicated volunteers nurtured and taught hundreds of students, ages 10-18. The Youth Institute has thrived for twenty-six years and is implemented by TBAAL in partnership with Dallas ISD.
Every year students come with all levels of talents, skills and abilities. TBAAL founder/director King and staff obviously see potential in each student, and along with them quickly determine the appropriate niche in which students will thrive. From technical to creative development, students are guided with professionalism and patience. In addition, this experienced staff provides plenty of the key ingredients that make this summer program successful -- patience, care and love.
Michael the Musial was "an exciting, moving, educational and inspiring musical revue." The audience took a fast-paced voyage in music, song and dance of Michael Jackson hits, culminating with "We Are the World." and "Gone Too Soon."
Polished, professional and confident, students showed skills they developed to help them perform on stage and behind the scenes, including listening, discipline, collaboration and teamwork.
Thanks to dozens of parents and community volunteers who helped during the Youth Institute and with the production.
Much appreciation to Curtis King for giving your genius in support of students and education and to the TBAAL artistic staff for your excellent work with our students.
Congratulations to all 2010 Summer Youth Arts Institute participants!
Michael the Musical was a Thriller!